President of the WKMA in Italy, Co-Technical Director of the WKMA, Co-Technical Director of Koroho Super Self Defence
9th dan Gun Jin Ryu Ju Jitsu (Jiu Jitsu Military) and Menkyo Kaiden Hanshi
Grand Master World Technical Director for GunJinryu Style
8th dan Modern Combat System
Hanshi in International Modern Combat Federation and Chief Instructor for Italy
8th Goshin-ryu dan jujitsu
8th degree Black Belt Goshin-Jutsu Satokan
8th dan HakkoRyu Bujutsu Sandai Kichu
Ambassador of Honour for Italy Anti-Criminal Anti-Terrorist Spetsnaz World Organization/Global Specnaz
Colonel in the Master Teacher Specnaz Counter-Terrorism, Anti-Criminal
7th dan Bogy Tenchi Ryu Goshin Jutsu no Komin Hanshi
7th dan Karate World Union of Karate-Do Federation
7th dan European Kilohana Association
6th degree black belt in Krav Maga F.I.K.M.
6th dan Krav Maga I.K.M.A.
Tonfa Instructor
Knife Instructor
Telescopic Stick Instructor
Master of the Female Self Defence
Master of Koroho (Japanese Super Self Defence) Shuseki
Italian Representative of Japanese Koroho
Italian Global Representative of Specnaz
Italian Representative of Hakko Bujutsu Ryu
Italian Representative of Kosho Ryu Kempou
Italian Representative of Scottish Kempou Jujutsu
Italian Representative of Ryu World Heiho
Italian Representative of the World Krav Maga Association
Italian and European Representative of the Kilohana Martial Arts Association
Instructor 2 dan in Judo
Instructor of Aikido Kobayashi-It
Japanese Fencing Master Toyama Ryu Batto Do
World Master Ryu Jujutsu Shoden
World Master Ryu Kenjutsu Chuden
Master cones of Defence
Professor of Defence Staff at the F.I.K. in SAT / Krav Maga (Self-Defence System Total)
Cavaliere dello Sport of CSEN-CONI
Write martial arts books and magazine articles